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Lillington, North Carolina

Community on the Cape Fear


Request for Public Records
Anyone requesting information pertaining to Town forms/policies/ordinances/public records is asked to fill out this
brief form and submit it to Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk.

Electronic Sign Use Application and Policy
This policy establishes criteria for groups outside of Town of Lillington affiliated agencies and organizations to
use the electronic sign located at the North East corner of E. Front Street and S. Main Street, Lillington, NC 27546.



Employment Application
A completed employment application is required for consideration for all part- and full-time positions with the Town.

Advisory Board Application
Complete this form to apply for a position on one of the Town's Advisory Boards. 



Code Enforcement Complaint Form
Any person wishing to report a violation may do so by completing this form and returning it to
Town Hall anytime Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.



Online: Utility Service Application
Printable: Utility Service Application
Application required to initiate water and sewer service.

Online: Utility Adjustment Request Form

Printable: Utility Adjustment Request Form
Application requesting an adjustment of utility charges due to events such as repairs or filling 
swimming pools.

Online:  Trash Services Application
Printable: Trash Services Application 

Online:  Bank Draft Authorization 
Application authorizing the Town of Lillington to draw a monthly draft for payment of Public Utilities.


Online: Trade Permit Application
Printable: Trade Permit Application
Required for individual building trades.

Online: Residential Application for Construction
Printable: Residential Application for Construction

Required for all residential construction projects.

Online: Non-Residential Application for Construction
 Non-Residential Application for Construction
Required for all commercial construction projects.

Special Use Permit Application
Application for special land use proposals of private property within Lillington's planning jurisdiction.

Demolition Permit Application
Required for all structural demolition projects.

Backflow Prevention Permit
Required for the installation of a sewer backflow preventer.

Signature Authorization Form
Form delegating signature authorization for projects.

Annexation Petition
Application for annexation requests for properties seeking to be included in the corporate
boundaries of Lillington.

Rezoning & Conditional Zoning Application
Application for general and conditional rezoning requests.  General uses are permitted without additional
restrictions as defined in the table of permitted uses.
 Conditional zoning combines the site plan and rezoning process into a single approval.

Home Occupation Permit
Required for individuals wishing to operate a commercial business within their residential dwelling.

Plan Review Application
Application that provides required contact information for proposed developments.

Sign Permit Application
Application required for the erection of permanent signage such as ground, wall, and window signs.

Facade Improvement Grant Application 
Application required for the Facade Improvement Grant. 

Food Truck Application
In order to receive a permit for the operation of a food truck in the Town of Lillington, the owner or
agent requesting the permit must agree to the conditions set forth in Chapter 116 – Food Truck
Regulations of the Lillington Code of Ordinance.

Temporary Use/Special Event Permit Application
Required for temporary land uses and events in Lillington.

Text Amendment Application
Application to the Town Board for consideration of an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance.

Watershed Permit Application
Required for the disturbance of more than one (1) acre of land.

Zoning Permit Application
Application required for proposed uses of private property within Lillington's planning jurisdiction.

Relocation Application
Application required for proposed relocations of private property within Lillington's planning jurisdiction.

Subdivision Construction Plan Application
Required for all subdivision development for recordation with the Harnett County Register of Deeds. It includes a checklist of the information required.

Minor Subdivision & Final Plat Application
Required for minor subdivision of land and/or final plats for recordation with the Harnett County
Register of Deeds. It includes a checklist of the information required.

Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application
Required for major subdivision of land and/or preliminary plats for recordation with the 
Harnett County 
Register of Deeds. It includes a checklist of the information required.

Major Site Plan Application
Application required for major site plans within Lillington's planning jurisdiction.

Lillington Development Checklist
Design professionals should consult the Development Checklist prior to the submittal of any development within Lillington’s planning jurisdiction. Attach completed checklist with submittals when necessary.

Variance Application
Application required for variance requests within Lillington's planning jurisdiction.