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Lillington, North Carolina

Community on the Cape Fear

Flatwoods Rural Fire District Advisory Board

In 2013, the Lillington Fire Department began providing fire protection services to the Flatwoods Rural Fire District.  The Lillington Fire Department is a service provider for this rural fire district contracted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners.  The Lillington Town Council recognized that the Flatwoods Fire Department enjoyed a long history of providing service to its residents.  In an effort to maintain open communication with the residents of the rural district, the Town Council established the Flatwoods Rural Fire District Advisory Board.  The purpose of this advisory board is to review the needs of the district, monitor service provision and work jointly with the Lillington Fire Chief to ensure that the highest quality service is being provided.  The Flatwoods Rural Fire District Advisory Board also makes recommendations to the Lillington Town Board on equipment and facility recommendations and programs to increase the effectiveness of fire protection services to the Flatwoods Rural Fire District.

The Town of Lillington is currently accepting applications for the Flatwoods Rural Fire District Advisory Board.  This Board will be composed of five (5) residents of the Flatwoods District and each member shall serve three (3) year terms.