Animal ControlThe towns of Lillington, Angier, Erwin and Coats have an interlocal agreement with Harnett County to provide animal control services to each municipality. The Municipal Animal Control Ordinance is a uniform ordinance that is administered by the county's animal control staff in each town's limits.
Citizens that have animal complaints or general inquiry questions are asked to contact Harnett County Animal Services directly for assistance. Purpose and IntentEstablishment of Bird SanctuaryHunting, Killing, and Trapping of AnimalsKeeping Livestock and FowlKeeping Chickens (Hens)Number of DogsNumber of CatsConfinement and Running at LargePossession of Animals and StraysImpoundment and Reclaiming of Captured AnimalsPotentially Dangerous and Dangerous DogsInherently Dangerous Exotic AnimalsEnforcement, Penalties and Remedies |